• Last Updated: 31st September 2024

Trademark Notice

The Language X is a registered trademark owned by Academy of Language X Private Limited, duly incorporated under the laws of India. Academy of Language X Private Limited is a registered entity under the Registrar of Companies (ROC), Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Government of India, with Corporate Identification Number (CIN) U80904DL2020PTC366639.

The Language X trademark, along with any associated logos, designs, and branding elements, is protected under the Trademarks Act, 1999, and other applicable intellectual property laws. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or modification of The Language X trademark or any related materials is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action, including but not limited to claims for damages, injunctive relief, and legal costs.

All rights, title, and interest in and to The Language X trademark are exclusively held by Academy of Language X Private Limited, and any inquiries regarding the use of the trademark should be directed to Mail@thelanguagex.com 

Refund Policy

The Language XⓇ operates under a strict No Refund Policy. By purchasing any product, service, or ticket to an event
from The Language XⓇ, you explicitly acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

  • Finality of Transactions: All transactions are deemed final upon completion. A transaction is considered complete when payment has been processed and confirmed by The Language XⓇ. Upon confirmation, you forfeit any right to request a refund, reversal, or chargeback.

  • Non-Entitlement to Refunds: You hereby acknowledge that you shall not be entitled to any refund or reimbursement for any purchase made through our Site. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Dissatisfaction with Course Material or Instruction: Should you find that the quality or content of the course material does not meet your expectations, you agree that this dissatisfaction does not warrant a refund. You understand that The Language XⓇ continually strives to enhance its offerings and encourages feedback, but this feedback does not entitle you to a refund for any purchases made.

    • Personal Time Management Issues: In the event that you are unable to manage your time effectively and miss scheduled classes or sessions, you accept that this choice does not provide grounds for a refund. It is your responsibility to allocate time for the completion of courses and attendance at sessions as per the schedule provided upon purchase.

    • Failure to Access or Utilize Services: Should you choose not to access or utilize the services purchased, including any scheduled sessions or learning materials, you acknowledge that such choices are personal decisions and shall not entitle you to a refund.

    • Technical Difficulties: If you experience technical issues that prevent you from accessing the services, you acknowledge that these difficulties do not entitle you to a refund. You are encouraged to reach out to our technical support team for assistance, but the failure to resolve such issues in a timely manner does not constitute a basis for refund claims.

    • Change of Mind: Should you change your mind regarding your decision to purchase a service after the transaction is complete, you accept that this change of heart does not warrant a refund. You understand that all transactions are final and that decisions made post-purchase are not grounds for reimbursement.

  • Cancellation or Rescheduling of Events: In the event that a scheduled event or session is canceled or rescheduled by The Language XⓇ, you acknowledge that you may be offered an alternative session or a deferral of the service, but you shall not be entitled to a refund for the original purchase.

  • Inability to Attend Due to Personal Reasons: Any personal reasons that prevent you from attending sessions, such as family commitments, health issues, or travel plans, shall not be considered valid grounds for a refund. It is your responsibility to manage your schedule and commitments in conjunction with the services provided by The Language XⓇ.

  • Inadequate Communication: Should you feel that the communication regarding course details, schedules, or other pertinent information was inadequate, you accept that this perception does not justify a request for a refund. The Language XⓇ commits to providing clear and timely communication, but it remains your responsibility to review all materials and communications provided.

  • Feedback on Service Quality: While we value your feedback and may use it to enhance our offerings, you agree that any feedback regarding the quality of service shall not entitle you to a refund. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we encourage you to share your thoughts; however, such feedback will not alter the terms of purchase.

  • Legal or Financial Disputes: If you encounter any legal or financial disputes that affect your ability to participate in services, you acknowledge that these issues do not constitute grounds for a refund. You are responsible for ensuring that your financial and legal circumstances allow for participation in the services offered.

  • Incompatibility with Learning Style: If you find that the teaching methods used in the course do not align with your preferred learning style, you acknowledge that this incompatibility does not justify a refund. Each course is designed with a specific pedagogical approach, and it is your responsibility to assess whether this approach meets your learning needs prior to purchase.

  • Misunderstanding of Course Requirements: If you fail to meet the prerequisites or requirements necessary to successfully participate in the course, you understand that this misunderstanding does not entitle you to a refund. Course details, including prerequisites, are clearly outlined, and it is your duty to ensure that you meet these requirements before enrolling.

  • Content Changes: In the event that course content is updated or modified after your enrollment, you acknowledge that such changes do not warrant a refund. The Language XⓇ reserves the right to enhance and improve course materials, and such enhancements are made to benefit all participants.

  • Inconsistent Attendance: If you decide to attend sessions inconsistently or sporadically, you accept that this does not provide grounds for a refund. The course structure is designed to facilitate cumulative learning, and failure to engage regularly may impact your overall experience but does not justify a request for reimbursement.

  • Peer Interactions: Should you experience difficulties with peer interactions or collaboration within group settings, you recognize that this interpersonal dynamic is part of the learning experience and does not entitle you to a refund. The Language XⓇ aims to foster a collaborative environment, and managing group dynamics is a participant’s responsibility.

  • Feedback Response Times: If you perceive that the response time for feedback on assignments or inquiries is slower than expected, you agree that this does not constitute valid grounds for a refund. While we strive to provide timely feedback, response times may vary due to numerous factors, and this variability does not affect the validity of your purchase.

  • Economic Circumstances: Should you experience unforeseen economic difficulties that impact your ability to continue in the program, you acknowledge that these circumstances do not entitle you to a refund. Financial planning is an essential aspect of committing to any educational program.

  • Relocation: If you relocate to a different area that makes attending in-person sessions challenging or impossible, you understand that this personal decision does not justify a refund. The Language XⓇ may offer virtual options, but the responsibility to adapt lies with you.

  • Withdrawal from the Program: In the event that you choose to withdraw from the program voluntarily, you agree that this decision does not provide grounds for a refund. Withdrawal is a personal decision and must be made with consideration of the financial commitment made at enrollment.

  • Unexpected Personal Events: If you encounter unexpected personal events, such as family emergencies or personal crises, you recognize that these circumstances are unfortunate but do not warrant a refund. We encourage open communication in such situations but maintaining your commitment to the program remains your responsibilit

  • Exceptional Circumstances for Deferral: In rare and exceptional circumstances, The Language XⓇ may, at its sole discretion, allow you to defer scheduled sessions. The conditions governing such deferrals are as follows:

    • Request Timing: The request for deferral must be communicated to The Language XⓇ prior to the originally scheduled session date.

    • Maximum Deferral Period: The deferral must not exceed three (3) months from the original date of service. Any requests for deferrals beyond this period will be denied.

    • Non-Refundable Nature: All deferrals are strictly non-refundable, and you acknowledge that this deferral policy does not equate to a refund.

  • Acknowledgment of Policy: By completing your purchase, you affirm that you have read, understood, and accepted this No Refund Policy. Any attempts to seek a refund, whether through formal request or informal inquiry, will be denied in accordance with these Terms of Service.

  • Contact Information: For any inquiries or clarifications regarding this policy, you may reach us at mail@thelanguagex.com. All correspondence should reference your order details to facilitate timely assistance.

No Warranties

The Language XⓇ expressly disclaims any and all warranties regarding the Site and its content. By using the Site, you acknowledge the following terms:

  • No Guarantees of Performance: The Language XⓇ makes no representations or warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, regarding the performance, reliability, or operation of the Site. Your access and use of the Site is at your sole risk.

  • Disclaimer of Implied Warranties: To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, The Language XⓇ disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to:

    • Merchantability: There are no warranties that the services provided are merchantable or fit for a particular purpose.

    • Non-Infringement: The Language XⓇ does not warrant that your use of the Site will not infringe upon the rights of any third party.

  • No Guarantee of Availability: The Language XⓇ does not warrant that the Site will operate uninterrupted, error-free, or free from viruses, malware, or other harmful components. We do not guarantee that any defects will be corrected or that the Site will be available at any specific time or location.

  • Third-Party Content Disclaimer: The Language XⓇ is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information provided by third parties. Any opinions, advice, statements, or content expressed by third parties are those of the respective authors or distributors and do not reflect the views of The Language XⓇ.

  • Limitation of Liability: To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, The Language XⓇ shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising from or related to:

    • Your use of, or reliance on, the Site or any information obtained from it.

    • Any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the content available on the Site.

    • Any unauthorized access to or use of our servers and/or any personal information stored therein.

  • Indemnification: You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Language XⓇ, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Site or your violation of these Terms of Service.

  • Governing Law: This No Warranties section and the entire agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which The Language XⓇ operates, without regard to its conflict of law principles.